Kaybray's Cooking

What we threw on the plate today

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Antipasto Salad

Some friends had us over for pizza the other night, and just said only to bring something that didn't require a trip to the grocery. So, I cleaned out the fridge for a layered antipasto salad. Below is what I used, and the order I layered it (from bottom up) but just use whatever you have in the fridge that you think tastes good together. This went especially well with pizza.

2 large tomatoes thinly sliced
1 half cucumber, thinly sliced
5 radishes, thinly sliced
1 half bell pepper, cut in strips
1/3 cup Boursin, crumbled
1/4 cup of pepperoni, cut into toothpicks
1/4 cup of calamata tapenade, dolloped around (I was out of olives)
balsamic vinaigrette

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At 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried this anitpasto (with a pizza!) the other night, and it was delightful- a perfect combination- thanks!


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