Kaybray's Cooking

What we threw on the plate today

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Flatiron Steak Salad

Ding ding ding! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! Last night I made a fabulous salad for dinner. It was a huge hit and absolutely delicious. It's a definite keeper. Check out the Flatiron Steak Salad with Thai Dressing in this month's Food and Wine. The flavors were amazing, and we drank it with Dulle Teve, a Belgian Tripel Ale, since I was unable to find the recommended beer. (BTW, watch out - there's a higher alcohol content here...rough, rough morning.)

Let me know what you think. I was thinking that next time I might make it just a tad spicier, and add a little avocado.

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At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three cheers for Belgian triple ales! I've been looking for the right recipe to pair with one- I'll try it. Thanks for posting! -Kevin


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