Close your eyes

And imagine you are floating in the ocean, and all you hear are waves crashing and the occasional kid playing on the beach. Wait, why are there cable bills and gas bills and student loan bills floating around me? Guess you can never go back to vacation. Last week on the beach we just swam and swam, rested, read, drank, and cooked a lot. We also played a lot of games, and you can see our Carcasonne in this shot of one of the pizzas I made one night. For some reason, pizza dough has always intimidated me - as if it's so simple I am sure I'll screw it up. But this actually went well, especially for a first time. I used the pizza dough recipe from the BBQ Bible, but then didn't actually bbq it - just stuck it in the oven. The toppings are calamata olives, sliced tomatoes that we brought from our garden, basil, pepperoni and fresh mozzarella. It was very tasty, and thin just like I like it.
Labels: Pizza, Quick, Vegetarian