Here's an idea for a quick pasta dinner that tastes great and looks pretty. I had a craving for spaghetti and a lot of great ingredients in the house to use up. First - some pesto. I had a full package of arugula that sat around for about a week hoping to get used in a salad but instead was forgotten about. So, I toasted a handful of walnuts and put those, the arugula, 2 cloves of garlic and some parmesan in the food processor. After combining I added in olive oil until I had a good pesto consistency. Next, while I cooked the spaghetti, I combined some Italian sausage with breadcrumbs and formed medium-sized-meatballs. I browned them on all sides, and then poured in about a cup to a cup and half of chicken broth, a handful of cherry tomatoes and put the lid on the skillet. I let these cook on medium low heat about 10 minutes until the sausage was cooked through.
Finally, I drained the pasta, tossed it with the pesto, and topped with the sausage and wilted tomatoes (the broth had cooked almost competely out of the pan at this point). Quick, easy and very tasty.
Labels: Pasta, Pork, Quick